Post-Transaction Monitoring

Validate transactions to ensure consistancy with pre-transaction requirements and post-transaction suitability.

Over fifty broker-dealers use RightBRIDGE systems pre-transaction to score, risk rate, and document the actions taken by their financial professionals. Regulations such as Reg BI, DOL rules, and Prohibited Transaction Exemptions such as 2020-02, as well as other state regulations shift much of the compliance and suitability requirements to the pre-transaction process. RightBRIDGE essentially acts as a pre-transaction monitoring system. 

Having a consistent pre and post transaction compliance process allows firms to validate pre-transaction requirements once a transaction is completed. RightBRIDGE customers experience significantly fewer flags and issues post-transaction due to the monitoring that takes place before the transaction. However, further monitoring of transactions is required after they are made. This has created a need in the marketplace to synchronize the work RightBRIDGE performs pre-transaction with the reporting and monitoring that occurs post-transaction.


Post-Transaction Monitors

CapitalROCK is please to announce the expansion of RightBRIDGE systems into transaction monitoring systems. The available modules include the following:

Transaction Monitor

Reviews each transaction with appropriate checks and alerts.

• Trade Blotter

• Breakpoint Alerts

• Concentration Check

• Licensing Restrictions

• Age Restrictions

• Time Horizon Violations

Account Monitor

Continuously monitors accounts for limits and requirements.

• Trading Frequency

• Mutual Fund Standard Dev vs Risk Tolerance

• Concentration

Financial Professional Monitor

Monitoring of ongoing representative transactions and activity.

• Commonly Triggered Alerts

• Exchange % of Annuity Transactions

• High-Risk Client Demographic

AML Monitor

Alerts for anti money laundering activities. 

• Unusual Trading Patterns

•Funds from International Sources

• Atypical Beneficiaries

• Customer Risk Profiling

Ad Hoc Reporting

Provides the firm the ability to generate customized reports for use by surveillance and examiners. Reports can be set to generate on a schedule, with preset parameters.

Case Manager

Workflow and case management review process.

• Bulk Approval Notes and Attachments

• Transaction Communication with Reps

• Notes on Multiple Grouped Transactions and Accounts