Needs-Based AI Engine

Identify all relevant client needs and opportunities.

Smart Questionnaire

For new clients or prospects the Suggestion Engine uses a smart questionnaire to determine the most important information to collect about a client to streamline the fact-finding process and ask for the highest priority information first. Using the key information the expert system can quickly build a client profile identifying the highest priorities and needs.

Identify High Priority Needs

The new RightBRIDGE® Client Profile interface has also been updated to the new modern front-end architecture utilizing Angular 4+.  Using a more graphical user interface the client’s top needs can be summarized in a dashboard that shows the need, a graphical display of the need and ReasonText™ that explains the need in a way that helps the advisor quickly understand the opportunity as illustrated on the screen to the left.

Existing Book of Business

Imagine having an expert financial analyst working for you 24/7, analyzing your client’s information and suggesting specific, relevant opportunities for those clients and prospects. Along with detailed explanations about why those opportunities are a good fit for your clients. RightBRIDGE® sifts through the entire prospect and client base and identifies the most compelling opportunities and more importantly presents them with detailed reason text™ explaining why each suggestion is relevant.

RightBRIDGE® uses artificial intelligence to identify individual client’s needs and  provides many other powerful and significant benefits including: 

– Enhances customer relationships, improves loyalty and retention 

– Leverages CRM and data warehousing investments 

– Provides personalized client-specific suggestions 

– Explains in easy to understand Reason Text™ why each suggestion is recommended 

– Captures life events, which influences suggestions made by the system